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Sconto 5% sul primo ordine

Garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati

Spedizione gratuita sopra i 70€

Rose Quartz is the most widely used mineral in Crystal Therapy. Rose quartz stones are also perfect for special treatments such as facial massages, reaping many benefits with the use of just three accessories.
1. The Rose Quartz Roller:
– stimulates skin microcirculation, improves skin tone, drains tissue, exerts a light and effective massage, helps facial muscles and provides a relaxing effect.

2. The Rose Quartz Gua Sha Stone is called the ‘Natural Botox’ because it stimulates cell regeneration and redefines facial contouring. The purpose of its use is to stimulate the skin to regenerate itself through the heat produced by rubbing the stone on the face or body. We can use it not only on the face but also on the body as inner arms and inner thighs for a natural lifting.

3. Rose Quartz eye mask helps decongest facial capillaries, redness and dark circles with a soothing and calming effect. It also relaxes the muscles of the face by adapting perfectly to the eyes, giving an immediate relief effect on headaches and migraines. In case of insomnia, 10 minutes before going to bed has a relaxing effect and promotes peaceful sleep.

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119,26  (incl. VAT)
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