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Sconto 5% sul primo ordine

Garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati

Spedizione gratuita sopra i 70€

travellers hand kit

Original price was: 79,01 €.Current price is: 67,16 €.

30 in stock

SKU: ONNA 114 Category:

KIT including hand peel, sanitizing spray, hand cream, cuticle oil and cuticle remover.

Hand peeling with red fruits, pomegranate and natural oils that removes dead skin cells and leaves a silky feel.

Hygenic rain: product specially formulated to eliminate microbes on the skin of the hands and feet and to maintain hygiene during treatment.

Velvet hand cream: thanks to its rich and luxurious formula, it restores instant vitality to dry and rough hands and leaves skin moisturized, soft and radiant.

Cuticle Oil: Oil Raindrops moisturizes and nourishes cuticles

Cuticle gel: Sweet Grape gel that through its specific formula, gently moisturizes and softens dry or dead skin, in order to remove it easily

  • CACAO: rich in flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that increase blood flow
  • COCONUT OIL: rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants
  • JOJOBA OIL: its non-greasy texture provides the necessary moisturisation for each skin type and promotes increased elasticity
  • GRAPE SEED OIL: rich in flavonoids, can inhibit allergic reactions and help combat skin problems; humectant and antioxidant properties.
  • ALOE VERA: thanks to the action of its nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, it promotes cell regeneration and rebalances natural PH levels, performing a healing, repairing and toning action
  • ALMOND OIL: rich in vitamin A, iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and protein, it has excellent emollient and nourishing properties, bringing elasticity and radiance to the skin
  • BLUEBERRIES: through their rich content of vitamins C and E and provitamin A, minerals such as magnesium and potassium, they offer an antioxidant effect, providing the skin with the necessary nutrients.


Step 1: Remove the polish from nails

Step 2: Spray both hands with Hygenic Rain to sanitise the area to be treated

Step 3: File the nails to the desired shape and length

Step 4: Apply Sweet Grape to all cuticles with a gentle massage. Gently push and cut cut the cuticles where necessary

Step 5: Apply Red Fruit Juice hand exfoliant, massage vigorously. Rinse with warm water and dry.

Step 6: Apply Velvet Intensive Cream by massaging in, degrease nails with Hygenic Rain and apply polish

Step 7: When the polish is dry, apply Oil Rain Drops

Tipi di pelle

All types of skin

Garanzia 100% soddisfatti o rimborsati

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